Other Information

Social and other Events 2024

Day Date Time Cost Event Contact
Thu18th Jul7pm£TBA Race Night with supper in Pavilion Audrey,Owen and committee
Sat17th Aug2pm0 President's Day Jenny and committee
Fri23rd Aug7pm£TBA Sausage Sizzle and Whist Drive in Pavilion Owen and committee
Thu12th Sep6pm?£TBA Candlelight Bowls with Fish and Chips in Pavilion committee
Sat16th Nov7pm£TBA Presentation Evening at the Army Golf Club Pauline and committee
Thu21st Nov7.30pm0 AGM in Pavilion committee


Useful Sites


The following documents are available for browsing

Club RulesShortmat

The following groups of documents are available for browsing

New Members Safeguarding



£75 Ordinary Membership

£10 Social Membership

£10 Juniors under 18 & Students